and overseas sales channel development Business meetings Business Model Business Models Business Negotiation chambers of commerce and industry Consultant for small and medium enterprises credit unions cross-border e-commerce Cross-border EC Cross-border ecommerce Cross-cultural adaptation Direct trade Direct Trading Dong nai province Export export controls GDPR Global Sales Global website Hand-carry baggage intercultural adaptation internalization International branding International business expansion International business expansion support consultancy International business models International business plan International Buyer International exhibition International exhibitions International Expansion International expansion business plan International expansion consultant International expansion support International expansion support consultancy International expansion support consultant International expansion support consultants International expansion support Consulting International investment International marketing International Sales International sales channel development International Trade show international websites Invoice Jetro Localization Manufacturing Multilingual EC Multilingual Site Multilingual Website No Commercial Value Online business meetings Order Confirmation overseas business plan Overseas exhibitions overseas expansion Overseas Expansion Consultant overseas expansion support consultant Overseas sales overseas sales channel development Packing List Presentation Pricing Privacy Policy Quotation Quotation in English RFP Risk management security trade management self-starting Shopify shorthanded small and medium-sized businesses Small and medium-sized enterprises small and medium-sized organizations SMEs Supporting industries Trade practice Translation Videos for overseas markets Vietnam Websites for overseas Websites for overseas markets
international exhibition support professional

It is said that “preparation is 90%” for successful participation in an international exhibition.

However, since international and Japanese exhibitions require different preparations and have different rules and regulations, many people are concerned about what they need to pay attention to in order to avoid making mistakes when exhibiting in an international exhibition for the first time.

In such cases, we recommend that you consider our support service for international exhibitions, which is a reliable solution for beginners.

With the help of a professional company with a wealth of experience in international exhibition support, you can confidently tackle everything from the preparation stage before exhibiting overseas to on-site support, and take the first step toward successful overseas sales channel expansion with an effective exhibition strategy.

Introduction: Importance of Exhibiting at International Exhibitions

1 Meeting new markets and customer segments

2 Understand local needs, trends, and business practices

3 Obtain business partners

4 Discover and build different distribution networks

5 Differentiation tips from competitors

6 Increase your company’s brand recognition

7 Re-evaluate your products and services from an international perspective

Exhibiting at international trade shows is not only a shortcut to international expansion, but also an essential opportunity to promote your company’s internationalization strategy and business growth.

What is the support service for exhibiting at international trade shows?

Overseas exhibition support refers to the assistance and services received by companies exhibiting at international exhibitions and events during the process from pre-exhibition to post-exhibition.

Specifically, in terms of preparation for exhibiting, this includes assistance with applications for international exhibitions on behalf of exhibitors, selection and contact with booth and display design and decoration companies on their behalf, logistics arrangements, and preparation of exhibition materials on behalf of exhibitors.

On-site support includes interpretation and translation services, local staff arrangements, and on-site problem solving.

If the support company’s main services include international expansion and international marketing, it will also provide sales representation in the booth and overseas promotion strategies before and after the exhibition.

Post-exhibition support may also include assistance in closing deals that arise during the show, negotiations with international companies on behalf of the exhibitor, follow-up with prospective clients, analysis of the results of the exhibition, and strategic planning for the next show.

Since exhibition support services are an important element for a company’s success in international exhibitions, we are required to carefully accompany the company from the preparation stage to the end of the exhibition, from selecting an exhibition where the strengths of the company’s products and services can be utilized, to customizing customer service to match the characteristics of booth visitors, in order to close a deal with a local company. We are required to provide careful support from the preparatory stage to the end of the exhibition.

Each international exhibition has its own unique characteristics, and the expected results will differ depending on the exhibition you participate in.

Specific international exhibition support

Support for exhibiting at international trade shows

Support for “Expanding overseas sales channels” by utilizing international exhibitions

The “Exhibiting Procedures” support includes the following three phases.

Pre-Exhibition Preparation

On-site Support

Post-exhibition follow-up

The “Expanding International Sales Channels” support program provides support for strategy planning, overseas pricing, preparation of trade document templates, drafting and practice of in-booth customer service Q&A, business meeting support, negotiations with overseas companies on behalf of the client, closing of business inquiries after returning to Japan, and contract signing, etc. We will support you.

It is necessary to confirm at the initial stage which support services the exhibitor support company you are planning to request offers as its main menu and which it “does not” offer.

If you have some experience in international business, “exhibition procedures” support may be enough for you to develop sales channels using your own methods. However, if this is your first time exhibiting at an international exhibition, it is highly likely that you will need not only “exhibition procedures” support but also “overseas sales channel expansion” support.

This is because even if the international booth decoration is completed perfectly, it does not automatically mean that “overseas sales channel development” itself can be successfully implemented in the exhibition booth.

It is not possible to stand in a booth at an international exhibition and sell your products in English, get the information that you really need from the foreign companies that visit your booth, smoothly give a presentation that differs from the one you give in Japan, and know what you must check and what you must not do when meeting with buyers from abroad. This is not something that can be created spontaneously unless you have the know-how of overseas exhibitions.

By obtaining support for the “expansion of international sales channels” in the exhibition booth from the exhibitor support company, you will be able to properly promote your company to your international target audience even at your first overseas exhibition.

The key to success in an international exhibition is to determine in advance whether your company only needs support for “exhibition procedures” or whether it also needs support for “overseas sales channel expansion.

Support for Exhibit Procedures Pre-exhibition Preparation

Representation in application procedures for exhibitors to exhibition organizers (in English)

Selection and direction of booth setup and booth decoration companies on behalf of exhibitors (in English)

Arrangement of international transportation, customs clearance liaison, transportation support for sample products, ATA Carnet arrangement, etc. (trade documents are basically in English)

Support for “Exhibiting Procedures” Local Support

On-site support includes the following

Process management and support (in English) from set-up to take-down of the venue on the day of the event

Handling any problems that may arise at the venue (in English)

Provide interpretation and translation services

(Support smooth communication with local staff (organizers, transporters, etc.) (in English)

Support for Exhibiting Procedures Post-Exhibition Follow-Up

Follow-up support after exhibition includes

Return of exhibits to Japan

Local warehousing or disposal of exhibits if not returned to Japan

Reserving a booth for the next year with the organizer

Support for “Expanding international sales channels” Developing international sales channels

The following support services are available to help you “develop international sales channels”.
(Excerpts from Paccloa’s support menu)

Selection of the most suitable exhibitions for supported companies from those held around the world

Preliminary research of local markets, customers, and competitors for strategic planning

Confirmation of and compliance with international product policies and local distribution regulations

Confirmation of international intellectual property management and rights

International transportation, export packaging, package design (for B2C), pricing for international markets

Acquisition of knowledge necessary for trade practice and establishment of internal systems, preparation of English trade document templates

Preparation of English-language contract templates

Hypothetical approach to international companies and buyers with decision-making authority

Preparation of Q&A for customer service talk in the booth and practice in advance

Revise customer service talk and hypotheses on the first, second, third, and final days of the exhibition, respectively

Clarify targets and future issues during the exhibition

Optimize the customer journey through synergy between real and digital

(e.g., gathering information in-person at the booth and then comparing competitors via devices, nurturing through the corporate blog, and proposing ongoing measures to attract customers using SNS)

How to choose a company to support your international exhibition

When selecting an exhibitor support company, it is important to confirm specific details such as the following

Past support results and specific examples of troubleshooting at exhibitions

What kind of support will be provided for the client company’s exhibition strategy and ultimate goals?

What kind of concrete results did the client company actually achieve through participation in the exhibition?

When conducting business negotiations at international exhibitions, foreign-language websites, catalogs, presentations, and videos are necessary.

In order to take full advantage of the exhibition support services, it is essential for the supported company to prepare and cooperate with the exhibitor.

On the other hand, a little caution should be exercised with exhibitor support companies such as those listed below.

Have a local international office, information and network, and can provide full support.

Their websites have impact, and their achievements include logos of government agencies and large companies.

The support fee is only ³,000 per visit, which is less expensive than other services.

First of all, if you are seriously considering developing international sales channels, you will need to continue self-help efforts after exhibiting in any case, as you cannot go beyond spot orders with only the local network of support providers.

For example, it is essential for exhibitors to continue to develop local distributors through international exhibitions, but if this is left too much to the hands of “exhibition support” companies, they will not be able to retain their own know-how and will need an “exhibition support” company every time.

One of the goals of Japanese companies that wish to expand internationally is to be able to exhibit internationally on their own after acquiring a certain level of know-how, and to be able to respond to inquiries from abroad on their own. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the purpose, duration, and cost-effectiveness of using an “exhibition support” company within the company before signing a contract.

As for the past track record of the exhibitor support company, it is easier to understand the success rate of your company in advance if the company has a track record of supporting small and medium-sized companies similar to your company, rather than large companies.

Also, since support for exhibitors does not end after a month or a single exhibition, and other companies may charge similar amounts or more than expected in total for post-exhibition support, it is important to confirm in advance whether a company can really provide all the support you are looking for based on the quoted price.

By calmly considering what you want most from an exhibitor support company and choosing the right company to support your exhibit, you will be closer to success at international exhibitions.

Legal restrictions you need to know before exhibiting at an international exhibition

When Japanese companies participate in international exhibitions, it is important to understand local legal restrictions.

First, a thorough understanding of local tax laws is necessary.

This is because local tax laws have a large impact on the final price of a product or service in the international market, which directly affects whether or not the product or service can realistically be “sold” there.

In particular, import tariffs, import regulations, and distribution regulations differ from country to country, so confirmation is necessary before exhibiting.

It is surprisingly easy to overlook the fact that taking into account international transportation costs, customs duties, and local consumption taxes may result in a product price range that cannot be sold locally in the first place.

Furthermore, the application of intellectual property rights, patents, and other legal protections may also differ.

If you participate in an international exhibition without knowing these legal restrictions, you may not only disclose your company’s valuable technical know-how or the core of your brand without protection, but you may also unknowingly infringe on the rights of other overseas companies, which may result in legal trouble, such as a warning letter from the other company and a lawsuit after the exhibition. In addition, there is a possibility that you may be involved in legal troubles such as receiving a warning letter from the other company and being sued.

To avoid problems with local tax laws and intellectual property, it is important to gather information on local legal restrictions and actively use the advice of experts.

Before exhibiting, please make sure you have a thorough understanding of these legal restrictions to avoid risks from the standpoint of legal compliance and to ensure your success.

Tips for cost-effective international exhibitions

Careful planning and strategy are also essential for cost-effective international exhibitions.

First, clarify your goals. Set specific numbers and goals for what results you want to achieve.

Next, thoroughly analyze your target market to understand the customer base and competitors to be targeted at the exhibition.

In addition to this, properly understand the costs of the exhibition and set a budget. In order to maximize the effect within the budget, we will utilize attractive design of the exhibition booth and effective promotional tools.

Also, don’t forget to plan for post-exhibition follow-up and customer service.

In addition, it is important to develop a marketing strategy that respects local culture and etiquette.

By taking an approach that matches local customs and needs, you can develop effective promotional activities.

Also, don’t overlook the training and skill development of your staff on the day of the exhibition. With thorough preparation and planning, it is possible to maximize the cost-effectiveness of international exhibitions.

Summary: The key to success is strategy from the preparation stage and the quality of exhibitor support

The key to success in international exhibitions lies in the creation of a careful strategy from the preparatory stage, with an eye to what happens after the exhibition, and in the quality of the exhibition support services that can realize this strategy.
The most important thing is to receive comprehensive support from the preparation stage to the end of the exhibition.

Paccloa Co., Ltd. does not currently offer exhibition-only support (support that lasts only a few months), but our 3-year contracted International expansion PRO support includes comprehensive support for multiple international expositions from the beginning.

In fact, the two main methods for Japanese companies to develop overseas sales channels are to participate in overseas exhibitions and conduct overseas F/S surveys, so it can be said that exhibiting overseas is a key action for international expansion.

Rather than exhibiting multiple times without sufficient preparation, exhibiting once with confidence, with a fluent customer service talk and a hypothesis in hand, will result in a much higher closing rate.

When considering exhibiting at an international exhibition, we hope that you will take advantage of the services provided by exhibitor support companies and actively work to increase your chances of success even if it is your first time exhibiting overseas.

For consulting and practical (on-the-job) support for SMEs, leave it to Paccloa.
Support for a total of over 1,900 companies entering overseas markets.